Monday, April 19, 2010

I skipped yet another kids' birthday parties

I was suppose to go to yet another of my friends' kids birthday party but skipped it, preferring to going out with single friends and having some drinks and adult conversation.

It's horrible, but I have very little interest in children.

It's horrible because my friends try to get me to interact with them and their kids. I mean it's not that I don't like children, but I'd prefer to spend my time with adults.

I get invited to birthday parties, and this and that, and well, I can only do those things for a few hours. Generally, when I go to those things I do it wondering what other adult will be around.

Yeap, I don't have kids. I don't think I will have kids. This means I'm -SCREWED!!! - Why? because most of my friends will have children eventually. That means I better grit my teeth and start liking all those kids things soon, or later. I'm probably going to be on the later side.

I dig that my friends with kids can't live without them. I can't live without my dog either. OK - that's not true. After losing my first dog, I realized that I can live without my dog. It's hard but I can do it.

I guess I also don't get the desire of spending time with a little person that forces you to lie. Kids force you to lie because you always have to act better around them than you normally would. So you're always lying to them, and can't ever be yourself. I thought the point of growing up is accepting yourself and being yourself. But nope, we lie to kids so they know better. This is funny because in the end, they will no better but act badly, just like we did.

Still, I know that in order to spend time with my friends with kids I'm going to have to suck it up and just do what everyone else does - grit my teeth, put on a smile, and watch my mouth around the kiddies.

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